Malthus and Boserup´s Theories

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010 18:20 Publicado por fer*=)
In order to understand the relationship between the resources production and the population growth we can use one of this theories:

Malthus Theory

            · Based on population explosion, evident in the 18th century.
            · States that the population will grow faster than the food supply.
            · Population will grow until overpopulation is reached, and any further population growth will result in a population crash due to famine, disease, or war.
            · Stated that the only solution was birth control
            · It doesn’t mention the relationship between population and subsistence, in which when the population grows, the subsistence decreases and when the population decreases the subsistence increases.
            · The equation for the total population is been added a lot of factors in the resent years such as technological improvements, biotechnology, the unpredictability of nature, and sheer luck.
                The Malthusian Theory assumes that all the factors that have an effect on the population remains the same over time.

Boserups`s Theory
  • ·      Wrote on 1968
  • ·      An increasing population will make technologist to increase the production on food.
  • ·      War and famine will be prevented by solutions proposed by humans.
  • ·      Raise population= Increase on demand of foodà change agrarian technology to increase the amount of food.
  • ·      ¨Necessity is the mother of invention¨
  • ·      Assumes that as the population grows, new inventors will solve the problems cause by the over population and will create a sustainable world for a growing population.
  • ·      Its limitation is that the theory is only based on closed communities, which do not exist because of the emigration and immigration of species in a community. 

"Compare and contrast the population theories of Malthus and Boserup ." Thinkgeogwiki . N.p., Oct 2008. Web. 29 Sep 2010. <>.

 Wolfgram, Ann. "Malthusian theory explained." Population resources and environment. Population Research Institute, n.d. Web. 29 Sep 2010. <>

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